- The deadline to order a 2022 yearbook will be December 1, 2021. Prices will be $50 before the deadline and $65 for any payments after December 1 until April 15th, then they will end. To order, visit SMSA’s website homepage, scroll down to the bottom where you will see a “yearbook” banner. From there, the banner will redirect you to Walsworth where you can order a yearbook, and for senior parents, order a personal ad.
- The Holiday committee will meet in Mrs. Bartel’s room on Monday during lunch. Please bring your lunch and ideas for festive holiday decor.
- NHS Red Cross Blood Drive will be hosted in the SMSA High School Hutter Gymnasium Wednesday, November 17th. The Blood Drive will be at 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please be aware to maintain COVID-19 protocols you will need to sign up for a time slot to give blood. See Jeffrey Biessman, Ella Blackburn, Emma Wagner, Isabelle Coon, or Ally Ullenberg to make an appointment. Students UNDER 16 need a Parent Consent Form, stop in by Dr.Biessmans room to grab your sheet! On the day of the drive, also remember to bring your Driver’s License or Valid ID. ALSO, please note these eligibility requirements as well before signing up;
- Donation frequency: Every 56 days*
- You must be in good health and feeling well**
- You must be at least 16 years old in most states
- You must weigh at least 110 lbs
- Thank you for your consideration!