High School



  • Dance Team will be participating at Regionals in Kaukauna at 9:10a.m. tomorrow.
  • Homeroom teachers please remind students sign up to help with the blanket project during lunch next week.
  • Don’t forget to bring in fleece fabric any day this week for SMSA’s Bibles and Blankets project for Catholic Schools Week at the high school. Bring TWO yards of any solid color or pattern by Thursday, January 27.
  • Attention students interested in the musical:
    Auditions will be held February 8th and February 10th after school in the MS choir room. Please sign up for a time in the office with a partner, if possible. Pick up a scene to look over and prepare a snippet of a song, preferably from a musical.
    Please be sure to take an audition form and bring it to your audition with any schedules and conflicts.
    Students interested in tech crew can fill out a tech form in the office and leave it in the folder provided.
    Thank you and see you then!


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