High School



  • Last night SMSA took 1st place at the Academic Bowl.  The following students earned 2nd place medals: Jackson Pelz, Lauren Cobb, Annabelle Seel, and Sophie Vandeslunt. The following students earned 1st place medals: Reo Huh,
    Weston Huempfner, Victoria Fabricius, Matthew Padillo, Matej Zamazal, Makayla Everson. Congratulations to everyone that participated!
  • Seniors interested in running to be a  class officer stop in Mrs. Bartel’s room to pick up nomination papers. They are due back to Mrs. Bartel by the end of the school day on Friday.
  • Prom tickets are $60 dollars and Post Prom are $10, these are being sold now in the cafeteria. Please get your tickets for Prom before Tuesday, after that they go up $5 dollars.
  • Guest Dance forms for Prom are now available in the North Office.  If you plan to bring someone from another school to Prom, you must have this form filled out.
  • You were just sent a survey to your email.  Please take 2 minutes during homeroom to fill it out.  Thank you very much.

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