High School



  • We have extended the deadline to sign up for the fan bus to the football game in Coleman tomorrow night.  You must sign up during lunch.  If you don’t have the money with you, please come sign up and bring it in the morning.
  • The Fall NHS Blood Drive will be in Hutter Gym Wednesday November 9th.  If you are interested in donating blood Please sign up for a time on the Red Cross Website or see Lauren Liethen.  If you are 16 and wish to donate please see Lauren or Dr Biessman to get a parental release form.
    To be able to donate you must meet the following requirements:
    • Be in good general health and feeling well.
    • Be at least 17 years old in most states (16 years old with parental consent).
    • Weigh at least 110 lbs.
    • Have not donated blood in the last 56 days.
  • Nominations for freshmen class officers will open on  Thursday October 29th and close Friday November 4th. See Mrs. Bartel for nomination papers.



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