Dear 8th Grade Parents,
Wow, the home stretch is clearly here when we start talking about the 8th Grade class trip to the Brewers game! Your son(s) and daughter(s) will soon be taking a milestone step in their education as they enter their freshman year of high school at SMSA! Part of that process is an end of the school year 8th grade class trip. As the norm for all 8th grade students for attending the trip, we have some expectations you and your child/children will want to talk about at home. Fourth quarter can get a bit busy and quite chaotic, so we would like you to review the information in advance and in writing, before we start sharing expectations with your child/children.
Students may forfeit their attendance to the Brewer’s game for the following reasons:
Missing work-students may not have ANY missing work two days prior to the trip. Teachers will be giving extra communication regarding missing work the week prior and will submit to Mr. Smith a list of students not able to attend the day before departure. Parents will be notified by Mr. Smith with a phone call.
Students may not have any U’s in any subject.
Students may not have 2 or more detentions given during the 4th quarter. If a detention is issued during the 4th quarter, Mr. Smith will remind this expectation via email to parents and students.
Thank you for your help and cooperation. We are all looking forward to the end of the year trip!
Principal Shively, Mr. Smith, and the Middle School Faculty