From the Office of Eamonn O'Keeffe: High School Principal


TEACHER FEATURE will return NEXT week!




Homecoming has arrived on the Ledge!  Many thanks to those who have worked with our students to plan for a special Homecoming Spirit Week.  Class moderators, class council and student council leadership have done a fine job preparing for a busy and altered week of events.  Special thanks to Mrs. Bartel and Mr. Krueger for guiding student leaders in their planning.


For your ready reference, here is the plan for NEXT week:


MONDAY, SEPT 19: Dress theme is “Jerseys” – to be worn with either jeans or khakis.  The annual “Power Buff” boys Volleyball Tournament will entertain us in Hutter Gym at 1:45pm. We will follow the PM Assembly Schedule:


Food Drive Item: Paper Bags


TUESDAY, SEPT 20: Dress theme is “Generations” with seniors dressing as elderly (senior) citizens; Juniors as middle aged adults; sophomores as teenagers; and freshmen as children/babies.  The annual “Powder Puff” girls Football Tournament will entertain us on the Field at 1:45 pm.  We will follow the PM Assembly Schedule:


Food Drive Item: Peanut Butter


WEDNESDAY, SEPT 21: Dress theme will reflect the Class Homecoming Theme for each grade level: Seniors – “Outshine the Orioles;” Juniors – “Outlaw the Orioles;” Sophomores – “Outrun the Orioles;” and Freshmen – “Overpower the Orioles.”  We will follow the regular school day bell schedule.


Food Drive Item: Jelly


THURSDAY, SEPT 22: Dress theme is “Dress-up Day.” Students may wear their “Sunday best” dress-up attire (not required to be SMSA Liturgy attire). On this day, we are pleased to celebrate Homecoming Liturgy at 9:45am in Hutter Gym for the first time in many years! This special Mass will be for high school students and faculty ONLY.  All high school parents and guardians are welcome to join us for Mass. We will follow an alternative AM Assembly schedule.


Food Drive Item: Bottled Water


FRIDAY, SEPT 23: Dress theme is “SMSA Spirit Wear Day” (non-uniform).  Students are encouraged to wear their favorite SMSA spirit wear.  The annual Homecoming Pep Rally will entertain the school community at 1:45pm.  We will follow the PM Assembly schedule.


Food Drive Item: Packaged snacks


Just a note that hats may not be worn on any day during Homecoming Spirit Week.


The Homecoming Football Game is played at Fruth Field at 7:00 pm versus the North Fond du Lac Orioles.


The Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Saturday, September 24 from 7:30 – 10:30 pm in Hutter Gym. The Dance theme is “Disco Fever.”  Dressing in theme is appropriate, but not required.


I look forward to a spirited and positive Homecoming Week on the Ledge!


Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us.


Eamonn O’Keeffe

High School Principal

News & Information

2023 yearbook sales and Senior Ads


2023 high school yearbooks are now available to order from Walsworth!


Order yearbooks and senior ads online today!



Freshman Class Homecoming Dinner


As previously communicated, the Radisson Indoor Recreation Center (formerly the Holiday Inn Holidome) has been booked for dinner from 6:30 – 7:30pm on September 24 for the Springs Freshman class Homecoming dinner.  The meal will be $28 per person (tip and tax included).  Each student needs to bring $28 CASH to the dinner.


The meal will be buffet style and will include two pasta options, chicken, baby red potatoes, a vegetable, as well as a salad and drinks.  The reservation can hold any amount of students so it is for the entire class and their dates as well.  Anyone with or without a date is invited and encouraged to attend!


RSVP’s are needed right away.  Please let Samantha Baker (cell 920-251-1882) know if your child plans to attend and also if your child will be bringing a date so we have a head count for the evening.  The head count is due to the Radisson by this Saturday September 17th so please send your RSVP to Samantha by noon on Saturday, September 17th.


Jeremy and Coleen Feucht have graciously offered their home as a place for the class (and parents) to meet and take photos prior to dinner!  Thank you, Feucht family!  Their address is:


N7862 Sandy Beach Road

Fond du Lac, WI 54935


Schedule for Saturday, September 24:

5:15pm-6pm: Photos @ the Feucht’s home
6:30pm-7:30pm: Dinner @ The Radisson
8:00pm-11:00pm:  Homecoming Dance @ Baker Gym


We hope we get a good turn out and the kids enjoy their first high school Homecoming!


As a reminder, parents are invited to hang out at Benvenutos at the Radisson while the kids are eating and then plan to gather at Schmittys during the dance.


Questions? Samantha Baker @ 920-251-1882 or Lisa Longley @ 920-539-0041
RSVPs:  Samantha Baker @  920-251-1882 by Saturday September 17 at noon


2022-2023 SMSA Concession/Admission Help Needed!


Are you the parent of a SMSA Middle School or High School athlete?  If so, please consider signing up below to help out ABC (Athletic Booster Club) by volunteering your time and talent to work in concessions or admissions at an upcoming sport event.


Booster Club is encouraging ALL parents of ALL athletes to embrace teamwork and help out at an event that fits for your schedule.  For those that have already signed up and volunteered, ABC sincerely appreciates your help!


Use the links below to sign up through SignupGenius


•         Varsity Football –
•         Varsity & JV Volleyball –
•         JV Football –


Winter sports will be added at a future date with a follow up email


Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner - September 21st


Please join us for the 5th annual Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner (sponsored by the SMSA Grandparents Club) on Wednesday, September 21st, in the SMSA Cafeteria from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. All SMSA families, grandparents, faculty and staff members, and others interested in starting the school year off with great fellowship are invited to attend.


This year, Ala Roma will be catering the pasta! All meals are $5.00 and kids K4 and under are free! A maximum family meal is $25.00.




Financial Aid Q&A Night


Mr. Stamatakos will be hosting a virtual Financial Aid Q&A Night on Wednesday, September 21st from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.


Mr. Stamatakos will be joined by Susan Teerink, the Director of Student Financial Aid at Marquette University. Both Mr. Stamatakos and Mrs. Teerink will hold an open “Q&A” session for parents who have questions about applying for financial aid for college and how specific financial circumstances may affect their eligibility for federal and state financial aid.


Parents are invited to watch Mrs. Teerink’s overview of financial aid before planning to attend the program. NOTE: this program is only recommended for parents who have questions about financial aid after viewing the presentation.


Registration for the program isn’t required. This program will be held virtually and parents can join the meeting using the following link:


Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 727-877-8386‬ PIN: ‪917 475 396‬#


Please contact Mr. Stamatakos with any questions about Financial Aid Q&A Night!


PPA Meeting Dates

PPA meeting Dates for the 2022-2023 year:


  • September 21
  • October 18 (note the revised date)
  • November 16
  • December 21
  • January 18
  • February 15
  • March 22
  • April 19
  • May 16 (note the revised date)


All meetings will be held at 6 pm in the Lauby Lounge (first floor teacher lounge).


Contact Maggie Rose with any questions about the PPA!


County K Speed Limit

With the newly paved and widened County K, between 151 and Winnebago Drive, please be cognizant of the 35 mile per hour speed limit.  The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office has received concerns regarding excessive speed in the hour before and after school.


The Sheriff’s Office will be placing a radar trailer on that portion of County K to monitor speed.  Please have a conversation with your student drivers on the importance of following the posted speed limits on all roadways, and being aware of people walking.


Safeguarding God's Children (SEE) training

SMSA will be hosting SEE training on Wednesday, September 28th at 6:00pm in the Multi-Purpose room. This training is needed for all volunteers, coaches and employees of SMSA.


Please sign up for this training online through CGM Connect


If you have any questions please contact Carrie Wiza  at or 920-322-3215


School Safety


As always, if you or your child become aware of a potentially dangerous situation that may threaten campus safety, we urge you to contact the Fond du Lac Police Department. 


To report life threatening urgent matters, please dial 9-1-1.  To report concerns that may not be urgent, please call 920-322-3700.  You may also call the high school main office at 920-322-8062



Speak Up/Speak Out (SUSO)


Created by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety (OSS), the Speak Up, Speak Out Resource Center (SUSO) is a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn with important concerns currently offering: threat assessment consultation, critical incident response, and general school safety guidance.


Visit the SUSO website for additional information on these three services as well as resources on school safety best practices.



High School Counseling

Academy Day 2022
































ACT Test in October at SMSA


SMSA has scheduled an opportunity for juniors and seniors to take the ‘ACT without Writing’ here at SMSA on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, during the school day.  Many seniors who didn’t have an opportunity to retake their ACT over the summer will use this opportunity to take the ACT a second time.  It is also the first opportunity for current juniors to sit for the exam before they take the ACT in Spring.


There is no a limit to the number of times a student may take the ACT.  Many students across the country choose to take multiple tests to improve their ACT score.


If your student wants to take advantage of this opportunity, please complete a brief survey by Friday, September 16th, 2022, in order to secure a spot.


Please contact Mr. Stamatakos with any questions about this opportunity,

FDL Police Explorers


The Police Explorer Advisors from the Fond du Lac Police Department are hosting an open house on Monday, September 19th from 6pm-7pm. This a program for youth ages 14-20 that are interested in law enforcement as a career. Explorers will receive hands on training from FDL Officers in many different law enforcement topics.


For more information, view the Open House Flyer or watch a Recruitment Video


Job Opportunities


The Boys & Girls Club is hiring for our afterschool programs!


Check out the information below and click on the flier to download an employment application!




College/University visits to SMSA


College visits are open to all juniors and seniors! Sign up for all visits in your SCOIR account!


Ripon College: Tuesday, September 20th from 11:50 AM – 12:30 PM

University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point: Wednesday, September 21st from 9:10 – 9:50 AM

Stevens Institute of Technology: Wednesday, September 21st from 9:55 – 10:35 AM

Upcoming Dates


  • September 19 – 24: Homecoming Spirit Week!
  • September 21: Welcome Back Spaghetti Dinner 5-7pm in Korbie Commons/ Cafeteria
  • September 21: Financial Aid Q&A Night w/Mr. Stamatakos & Susan Teerink (Director of Student Financial Services at Marquette University) 7:00 – 8:00 PM (Virtual program)
  • September 23: Mid-Quarter Grading/ Co-curricular Eligibility Review
  • September 30: Freshman Retreat Day


Ledger Learning Guide

The Ledger Learning Guide for the 2022-2023 School Year is now available online!