Welcome Back! 

We are so very pleased and humbled that you have chosen SMSA as your educational partner.   Thank you for trusting us to serve your family, and specifically for the privilege of providing high quality Catholic education to your children.  We often say that the Good Lord is our partner on the Ledge.  Especially during challenging times, we know that it is only through God’s graceful presence and our mutual commitment to caring for one another that we can effectively live the Gospel message of faith, hope and love in the Springs community.  I look forward to another year of being a vibrant learning community that is dedicated to continuous improvement, growth and faith sharing. 


Next Tuesday, September 7th –  students will be welcomed back to the Ledge for the 2021-22 Student Orientation Day!  On that day, each high school grade level has a designated orientation time.  Students shall wear dress code bottoms and tops – or – spirit wear tops with dress code bottoms.  Students should enter school at the North Hall main entrance.  To avoid traffic concerns due to construction, and to allow for appropriate social distancing, we advise that students arrive to campus ONLY at the prescribed times:

  • Freshman: 8-10:00 a.m. (arrive to check-in between 7:45- 8:00 a.m.)
  • Sophomores: 10:30 – 12 Noon (arrive to check-in between 10:15 – 10:30 a.m.)
  • Juniors: 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. (arrive to check-in between 12:15 – 12:30 p.m.)
  • Seniors: 2:30-3:30 p.m. (arrive to check-in between 2:15-2:30 p.m.)

In addition to key orientation mini-presentations that are planned, all students will have the chance to meet in their homeroom to receive a locker assignment, their chromebook, and a paper copy of their class schedule.  In addition to meeting with their homeroom teachers, freshmen Ledgers will have the added opportunity to practice their A-Day schedule, move to those classrooms and meet those teachers.  All high school students should bring their school supplies to deposit in their locker and/or inside their homeroom as directed.  


Finally, I encourage you to bookmark this past eLedger, click here, for easy access.  It will provide you with regular and reliable updates EACH and every Thursday during the school year.  Much of the “news and information” that follows (scroll below) has previously been communicated via the eLedger and included again as a reminder for your review. Some information is new.  


I’m looking forward to a fantastic school year with our Ledgers as they strive to grow and develop in The Ledger Way – as a community of faithful leaders and learners,  who demonstrate respect,  and who take responsibility for personal growth and decisions.  We thank God for the many blessings of Catholic education and the opportunity to learn together on the Ledge!


Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us! 

Eamonn O’Keeffe 

Principal, High School

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, September 7th – High School Orientation Day (All Grades).  Students shall wear dress code bottoms and tops – or spirit wear tops with dress code bottoms. 


Wednesday, September 8th – First Day of Classes!  This is an A-Day in the High School. 


Friday, September 17th – All System Mass, 9:15 a.m. at Holy Family Church.  Mass attire is the dress code for this day. Parents are welcome!  This is also the official add/drop deadline – the final day any schedule change can be approved for Semester I.

Jazz Auditions - September 7th

Jazz Band and Vocal Jazz auditions are next week Tuesday, September 7th. For more information on how to sign up, click here and scroll to Jazz Audition information.

News and Information

Virtual Learning Option

As has been previously communicated, in 2021-22, all requests for the virtual learning option must be approved by the administration.  The formal application for this option can be obtained by clicking here or by contacting Mrs. Amy Pickart at


In-person classroom learning and instruction is the preferred educational model at SMSA for all grade levels PreK-12. That said, given present conditions, virtual learning shall be an SMSA option as needed in 2021-22. Parents may request/declare the virtual learning option for a period of one week (5 school days) up to one semester in duration (terms are renewable). Virtual learning may be a blend of methods to be determined, including but not limited to synchronous (real-time interactive, online) and asynchronous (non-interactive, prepared virtual resources). To receive approval as a virtual learner, parents must complete this application for virtual learning. The completed application must be submitted at least one full week prior to the first day of virtual instruction. 


Exceptions: In cases of an unanticipated health quarantine or other medical event that may result in a student being unable to physically access campus, virtual learning may commence immediately. Parents will still be expected to complete the required virtual learning application paperwork so that accurate school tracking may be maintained. All virtual learning requests – regardless of reason or duration – must be approved by the administration. The Ledger Learning Guide and Google Classroom will be maintained as virtual academic resources during both in-person instruction and virtual learning. SMSA reserves the right to approve, deny, recommend or require virtual learning for any student. 


Parents may not spontaneously (day-to-day) declare students as virtual learners.  Students who are in-person learners (undeclared virtual learners) shall be marked absent on any school days when they are not present in-person, similar to attendance practices prior to the pandemic. Students who are declared as virtual learners and who are engaged in synchronous instruction may be marked absent if their online presence cannot be reasonably detected by teachers.

Masks on Buses

At this time, it is a Federal mandate that all people (including student school bus riders) wear masks while onboard buses.  Please make sure that your daughters and sons keep a mask, or supply of masks with them at school for whenever they will ride buses to Mass, field trips, retreats, service experiences, athletic contests or any school related excursion. 

Join us for our First All System Mass! 

Friday, September 17th is the first All System Mass- beginning at 9:15 a.m. at Holy Family Church.  Mass day attire is expected of all students.  Parents are welcome to join us in prayer and worship as we ask for God’s blessings on a new school year.  

Block Schedule Adjustment

Recently, it was necessary to make a minor adjustment to the daily “Bell” schedule/ Block structure in the high school.  The change reversed the placement of the homeroom.  The beginning and end of the high school day does not change.  Please click here to view the amended bell schedule.  


The 2021 National College Match application is now available and open!  Please click on QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship to learn more. Apply by September 28th. 

Student Schedules

As a reminder to families, any request to make changes to a student schedule shall require administrative approval.  Schedule changes which are initiated by a student or parent may incur a fee ($50) if approved.  Schedule changes which are initiated by school personnel shall not require a financial charge for families.  If you do have schedule questions, these may be addressed during the designated period, beginning Monday, August 30th and concluding on the “add/drop” deadline, Friday, September 17th.  Schedule change request forms are obtained in the North Hall Main Office and shall be submitted to Mr. Norlander to initiate any request. 


I am pleased to introduce three new educators who are joining our SMSA high school faculty community for 2021-22.  


Mr. Greg Zimmer joins us with 28 years of high school teaching experience, serving previously at Hartford Union High School,  and most recently at Fond du Lac High school where he supervised a science department of 16 teachers.  Mr. Zimmer has a BA in Economics from  Northland College, and BS in Broadfield Science from UW-Milwaukee.  He holds minors in Chemistry and Biology and an MS in Managerial Science from Cardinal Stritch University.  Mr. Zimmer has also earned and renewed National Board Certification as a teacher, and has WI DPI Masters  Licenses in Chemistry, Science and Biology/Life Sciences. He will be teaching Chemistry, and Environmental Science and will be our onsite proctor for the CAPP Stats course.  Mr. Zimmer and his wife are the proud parents of three SMSA alumni, Gabe (‘16); Leah (‘18) and Joseph (‘21).  


Mr. Dave Braun joins SMSA with 19 years of experience serving as a parish director of Christian formation and/or youth ministry in several parishes, most recently at St. Francis Borgia in Cedarburg.  Mr. Braun holds a BS in Biology from UW-Green Bay, and MA in Theological Studies from Ave Maria University.  He has an Advanced Ministry Certificate from Franciscan University. Mr. Braun will be teaching Catholicism and Sacraments to Freshmen, and Old Testament and New Testament to Sophomores. Mr. Braun is familiar with Fond du Lac and Springs from his time serving at Holy Family Parish as Director of Christian Formation from 2014-2016.  


Mrs. Elizabeth Stavropoulos joins the high school World Languages Department and will teach all Spanish I sections and the middle school Spanish Introduction course to Grade 8!  She is a 2021 graduate of Marian University, with a BS in Education and Minor in Spanish. Mrs. Stavropoulos is this year’s recipient of the Spirit of Marian Award!  She is also a past vice president of Kappa Delta Pi, the Education Honors Society.  Mrs. Stavropoulos has served as a teacher assistant and mentor with Upward Bound for the past two years and had clinical teaching placements in Fond du Lac as well as in Ripon.  She also enjoyed singing with the Marian University Women’s Chorale and participating in Marian’s Campus Ministry programs.  

Yearbook Updates

Any students who were unable to pick up their yearbooks at Marian University on Monday, August 2nd during our distribution times, will receive their books at Student Orientation. 


As a result of the construction at school we are unable to make other arrangements. Students who did not order a yearbook can still purchase one for $65.

High School Counseling

News and Information

No news at this time.

Upcoming Dates

None at this time.

Career Exploration

None at this time.

Job Opportunities

Festival Foods

Festival Foods is hosting a hiring fest on Tuesday, August 31st from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.. Walk-ins Welcome.


Please click here for more information.

Red Cabin at Green Acres

Looking for extra money? Red Cabin at Green Acres is looking for part time help. They’re very good about working around school activities, sports and family events. If interested, please call and ask for Sara or Kathy at 920-906-9110.

Scholarship Opportunities

None at this time.

College/University SMSA visits

None at this time.

College/University Virtual Visits

None at this time.