October 30 – Early Release for End of Quarter I
WOW! Do you believe it? Our first academic quarter concludes on Friday, October 30th! A reminder that Friday is a scheduled early release day for students (11:30 a.m.) as faculty will have the afternoon to complete grading.
Skyward Access to Report Cards
As is our custom, families will temporarily not have access to student records in Skyward during the Quarter grade entry and verification period which is from Friday, October 30th (12 Noon)- Thursday, November 5th (3:30 p.m.). Skyward and Quarter Report Cards will be accessible to families at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 5th. Just a reminder to parents that Quarter I Report Cards are NOT mailed. Instead, families will have access to the “Student Profile” section of Skyward to view a Quarter I Report Card on Skyward and may print the Report Card at home if they wish to have a paper copy.
Safe & Healthy Halloween in a time of Pandemic
Like most of our lifestyle traditions in 2020, the experience of Halloween will be altered for all of us due to the coronavirus, and especially the surge occurring this fall in Wisconsin. As I write this, sadly Wisconsin has just recorded single day highs for positive COVID-19 tests; total hospitalizations; and total deaths. This fall we have seen that what happens in the community away from the Ledge certainly impacts education on the Ledge. In the spirit of partnership and community, we ask families to continue making positive and thoughtful choices – especially diligent with any Halloween plans this weekend. SMSA supports parents in their desire to ensure a safe Halloween experience for their family. To assist, here is a link to a resource for planning a safe Halloween in 2020! Halloween & COVID-19: Have Fun While Staying Safe .
Save the Dates:
- November 6th: ACT Prep Course – ZAPS for all Juniors students. This year, due to pandemic related logistics, juniors will participate in all day ZAPS training remotely/virtually from home. Watch for more specific details from the Counseling Office about this scheduled all day experience for the whole Junior class.
- November 11th: Parent Teacher Conferences; A virtual Parent-Teacher Conference night is being planned. Next week, watch for detailed directions about how to schedule your virtual appointment with high school faculty.
Ledger Learning Guide
Parents are always encouraged to check the SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page to see weekly learning targets, resources and expectations in every course. Parental partnership in helping teens stay organized and focused on learning priorities each week is always appreciated. Our virtual Back to School Night, teacher videos have now been permanently linked to the Ledger Learning Guide Virtual Back to School Night 2020 for parent accessibility.
Student Survey Results
During the week of October 12th, all high school Ledgers were administered a survey about the A-B- Modified Block Schedule that has been adopted at SMSA during the 2020-21 school year. Please find the student survey results here. Student Survey: Modified Block Schedule.