Catholic Social Responsibility
The Catholic Social Responsibility Guidebook is designed to provide educators in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee with clear guiding principles for integrating Catholic social responsibility into school culture, and provides theological resources that correspond to four contemporary challenges, and alignment of Catholic Social Teachings to current Archdiocesan curriculum, policies, and accreditation standards. CatholicSocialResponsibilityGuidebookforCatholicSchoolsFinal9.22.21.pdf
All SMSA parents and guardians are invited to become familiar with this document. Last week, I shared an excerpt overview of the challenges associated with ‘Culture.’ This week’s challenge overview, Racism:
“Our Church teaches that racism is a sin that divides the human family and violates the fundamental human dignity of the Children of God. The existence of racism in our world requires Catholic schools to respond with action and with love for our neighbor. As all human life is sacred and created in the image of God, Catholics reject racist ideas, personal acts of racism, and systemic racism found in social structures that perpetuate injustice. Thus, Catholic schools provide a safe and loving environment rich in resources for helping students understand and appreciate their own inherent dignity and that of all people. As students encounter Jesus, they learn to love as Jesus loves. Catholic educators teach and model the essence of Catholic social action: love for God and neighbor.” [Guidebook p. 9]
I urge parents and guardians to take a closer look at the Church’s theological response to the challenges associated with “Racism,” provided in the Guidebook.
Click here for a link to further resource information intended for parents that has been released last week by the Archdiocese:
Quarter I Report Cards
Teachers will finalize Quarter I grades in Skyward from November 8-10. Parents and guardians will not have access to Skyward from 3:30pm on November 5 until 12:30 pm on November 10. After that time, parents and guardians will regain Skyward access and may view and print Quarter I Report cards.
Parent & Guardian-Teacher Conferences
High school Parent & Guardian-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 10 between 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. This year, conferences shall be in-person, with teachers available in their classrooms. An “open house” format will be observed, so it is not necessary for parents to schedule appointments with teachers in advance. We recommend that conferences last no longer than 10 minutes on November 10th. If more time for discussion is desired, parents and guardians are asked to schedule another dedicated appointment with teachers for a virtual or in-person meeting.
Finally, our high school Counseling Office will also be open for business during Parent & Guardian – Teacher Conferences. Please feel free to meet and greet with Mrs. Taylor McCarthy and Mr. James Stamatakos while you are on campus. They are eager to meet the parents of Ledgers and share information about Counseling Office services and activities.
Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us.
Eamonn O’Keeffe
Principal, High School