Catholic Social Responsibility 

The Catholic Social Responsibility Guidebook is designed to provide educators in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee with clear guiding principles for integrating Catholic social responsibility into school culture, and provides theological resources that correspond to four contemporary challenges, and alignment of Catholic Social Teachings to current Archdiocesan curriculum, policies, and accreditation standards. CatholicSocialResponsibilityGuidebookforCatholicSchoolsFinal9.22.21.pdf


All SMSA parents and guardians are invited to become familiar with this document.  Last week, I shared an excerpt overview of the challenges associated with ‘Culture.’  This week’s challenge overview, Racism:


“Our Church teaches that racism is a sin that divides the human family and violates the fundamental human dignity of the Children of God. The existence of racism in our world requires Catholic schools to respond with action and with love for our neighbor. As all human life is sacred and created in the image of God, Catholics reject racist ideas, personal acts of racism, and systemic racism found in social structures that perpetuate injustice. Thus, Catholic schools provide a safe and loving environment rich in resources for helping students understand and appreciate their own inherent dignity and that of all people. As students encounter Jesus, they learn to love as Jesus loves. Catholic educators teach and model the essence of Catholic social action: love for God and neighbor.” [Guidebook p. 9]


I urge parents and guardians to take a closer look at the Church’s theological response to the challenges associated with “Racism,” provided in the Guidebook


Click here for a  link to further resource information intended for parents that has been released last week by the Archdiocese:  


Quarter I Report Cards

Teachers will finalize Quarter I grades in Skyward from November 8-10. Parents and guardians will not have access to Skyward from 3:30pm on November 5 until 12:30 pm on November 10. After that time, parents and guardians will regain Skyward access and may view and print Quarter I Report cards. 


Parent & Guardian-Teacher Conferences

High school Parent & Guardian-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 10 between 4:00 to 6:30 p.m.  This year, conferences shall be in-person, with teachers available in their classrooms.  An “open house” format will be observed, so it is not necessary for parents to schedule appointments with teachers in advance.  We recommend that conferences last no longer than 10 minutes on November 10th.  If more time for discussion is desired, parents and guardians are asked to schedule another dedicated appointment with teachers for a virtual or in-person meeting.  


Finally, our high school Counseling Office will also be open for business during Parent & Guardian – Teacher Conferences.  Please feel free to meet and greet with Mrs. Taylor McCarthy and Mr. James Stamatakos while you are on campus.  They are eager to meet the parents of Ledgers and share information about Counseling Office services and activities. 


Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us. 

Eamonn O’Keeffe 

Principal, High School

Upcoming Dates

Friday, November 5th – Final day of classes for Quarter I

Monday, November 8th – NO CLASSES/ Teacher Inservice and Quarter Grading Day

Tuesday, November 9th – Classes Resume for Quarter II 

Wednesday, November 10th – High School Parent & Guardian -Teacher Conferences, 4 to 6:30 p.m.

Wrestling Informational Meeting - November 2nd

There will be a high school wrestling information meeting on Tuesday, November 2nd at 1:10 p.m. in the Campus Ministry room (Room 2090).  Whether you have never wrestled before or it’s been a while – come meet Coach Forsythe and learn how wrestling can make you a better athlete and how you can contribute to the team every day!  

The wrestling program is open to male and female athletes – Did you know that girls wrestling is now a WIAA sport? If you cannot attend please contact Coach Forsythe at,, bring your friends!

2022 Yearbook Updates - Order Deadline December 1st

The deadline to order a 2022 yearbook will be December 1, 2021. Prices will be $50 before the deadline and $65 for any payments after December 1 until April 15th, then they will end. To order, visit SMSA’s website homepage, scroll down to the bottom where you will see a “yearbook” banner. From there, the banner will redirect you to Walsworth where you can order a yearbook, and for senior parents, order a personal ad.


This year we will be using “yearbook snap,” an app that allows students and parents to submit photos from the year. After downloading the app from Google play or the App Store, select Saint Mary’s Springs Academy as your school and use this access code-SMSA2022. You will then be ready to submit photos from your camera roll!

News and Information

Big Money Raffle (BMR) Tickets – Blue And White!

As a reminder, please only sell and/or purchase the BLUE and WHITE BMR tickets for the Friday, January 14, 2022 drawing. Please throw away any pink tickets that you may still have.


We appreciate your support in selling and/or purchasing the new blue and white tickets and returning them to school on or before Friday, January 14, 2022. Your participation is vital to the success of this fundraiser and reaching our goal of raising $100,000 for our school. We cannot wait to pull the $20,000 winning ticket on Friday, January 14, 2022 at noon.


Please contact Kristin Zitlow at or 920-322-8006 with any questions.

BEING “SICK” in 2021

As always (but especially in these times) when students are not feeling well, parents are expected to keep them home from school.  If feeling sickly or ill but intending/likely to return to school within a day or two, students are coded as “Ill” in Skyward attendance for each day missing – just like in pre-pandemic times.  In these cases, students will NOT have access to synchronous (live) virtual learning.  Students can, however, keep current with assignments and class expectations asynchronously through the Google Classroom of each teacher/course.   Students may apply to be  live virtual learners, click here, but each approved virtual learner will be coded as such for a minimum of one full week of school (5 school days). 

High School Counseling

News and Information


The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) helps you receive college credit for what you already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course. Click here to check out this link for more information: 


Note, that not all colleges accept CLEP for college credit, so check with the school you will be attending to verify or ask your counselors here at SMSA for help.

Upcoming Dates

Real Talk: Paying for College Edition – October 27th and 28th

Information/Resource from College Board: “Wondering how you’ll pay for college? We’re here to help! Join us for two nights of “money talk” with experts in financial aid. We’re talking the FAFSA, scholarships, loans, how to review your financial aid package and more! Register below and spread the word.”


During this two-part series, Wednesday, October 27th, and Thursday, October 28th, at 7:00 p.m. ET/4:00 p.m. PT, we’ll cover everything related to the FAFSA® on night one, and scholarships, loans, and making a final decision on night two.


Here’s the link to register:


Career Exploration

None at this time.

Job Opportunities

The Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac

The Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac is now hiring Museum Associates, to work 3-15 hours per week. Ideal candidates are creative and enjoy working with children and adults, in addition to being helpful, friendly and proactive. Click here to apply, fill out a short application.

Join The Pizza Ranch Team

If you, or a friend, are interested in applying for a position at Pizza Ranch Fond du Lac, please go to to apply.  Our management team will contact you for an interview.

Pizza Ranch Fond du Lac is offering:

  • Competitive Pay
  • Great Team
  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • Fun Work Environment
  • Flexible Schedule 
  • Free Food!!

Pizza Ranch Fond du Lac:  920-929-8800

Scholarship Opportunities

None at this time.

College/University SMSA visits

These visits will be taking place during lunch (1:00 to 1:45 p.m.) the next few weeks:

10/28: Viterbo University

10/29: University of Cincinnati

11/3: Ferris State

11/9: Carroll University

11/9: Iowa State University

11/9: National Guard

11/10: Marian University

11/11: Marines

College/University Virtual Visits

None at this time.