Green and Jeans Day - October 18th

System-Wide Green and Jeans Day

This Friday, October 18, 2019, is an SMSA system-wide “Green and Jeans Day”, a Student Council fundraiser.


Students may wear green tops with either jeans or sweatpants. For high school students, the cost for wearing jeans is $3.00 and the cost for sweatpants is $5.00.


We look forward to enjoying this casual Friday.

Out of Uniform Day – No Charge - October 21st

All high school students surpassed expectations for a positive and spirited Homecoming Week! To congratulate and celebrate, students may wear jeans, sweats and any acceptable top!


College wear is acceptable as is any top that is consistent with SMSA mission and values. Students are asked to refrain from wearing any political wear. Students are asked to use good judgment and modesty, and refrain from wearing dirty clothing or clothing with any messaging that may be offensive, in poor taste or contrary to the mission of SMSA.


News and Information

Picture Re-Take Day - October 22nd

School picture re-take day will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Transcripts Sent – for Seniors

For seniors wanting their transcripts sent to colleges and universities, please stop in the Counseling Office and fill out a blue form giving us permission to send them out and where you want them sent. 

High School Counseling

News and Information

No news at this time.

Upcoming Dates

Americanism Essay Contest – deadline December 1st

The counseling department has received a copy of the Fleet Reserve Association Milwaukee Branch 14 Americanism Essay Contest. This is available for 7-12th graders. Deadline is Sunday, December 1, 2019. 


Entrants must be sponsored by a branch of the Fleet Reserve Association or a unit of the Ladies Auxiliary or by an FRA Member-at-Large. Copies of the application may be picked up in the high school Counseling Office or from your social studies teachers.

Job Opportunities

Festival Foods 

Festival Foods has several openings available.


What’s in it for you is a flexible schedule, bank bucks for college, and save on groceries.


If you’re looking for part time work in a fast-paced high energy friendly fun atmosphere, apply at Festival Foods (1125 E Johnson Street).

Scholarship Opportunities

American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program

The American Legion Oratorial Scholarship program is open to all high school students. Each participant must be sponsored by a local Legion Post. More information can be found on the Oratorical page by clicking here.

University of Wisconsin – Madison

The Office of Student Financial Aid is doing great things for students who want to become Badgers; regardless of their financial background. Explore below to learn more about our programs that help make a degree from a world class institution within reach.


Click here for more information on how to become a Badger!

The Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship

The Counseling Office has received the Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship. This is available to any high school senior who is a United States citizen.


Applications will be judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need. For details and application, please click here.

College/University SMSA visits

Check back for upcoming visits.

College/University Visits

Please visit the Counseling Office for upcoming dates.