Skyward Access to Report Cards

Skyward and Quarter Report Cards will be accessible to families at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 5th.  Just a reminder to parents, Quarter I Report Cards are NOT mailed. Instead, families will have access to the “Student Profile” section of Skyward to view a Quarter I Report Card on Skyward and may print the Report Card at home if they wish to have a paper copy.  


November 6th: ACT Prep Course – ZAPS for all Juniors Students 

This year, due to pandemic related logistics, juniors will participate in all day ZAPS training remotely/virtually from home. Watch for more specific  details from the Counseling Office about this scheduled all day experience for the whole junior class. Finally: Here is the link for the event on Zoom.  Start time is at 8:30 a.m. sharp. Attendance is mandatory and will be taken and reported to the Attendance Office.  Parents please check with your son/daughter to make sure they have picked up their ACT course books and have brought them home for tomorrow (Friday, November 6th).  27 students have not done so as of 10:00 a.m. today.  A reminder notice was sent to these students this morning.  Books can be picked up at the front desk of the North Hall until 3:45 p.m. today, November 5.


November 11th: Parent Teacher Conferences  

A virtual Parent-Teacher Conference night is planned from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m., a Skyward Message Center email will be shared with instructions for parents and links to teacher Zoom conferences.  Parents are required to schedule their appointments through the Skyward scheduler (instructions to come).  “Walk-in” Zoom access shall not be possible. 


Virtual Learning Expectations

Parents are encouraged to review the established norms and expectations for virtual learning at SMSA.  These two resources were developed at the start of the year and remain our recommended best practices for teachers, parents and students.

HS Expectations for Virtual Learners 2020-21 

Expectations for Virtual Learners


Ledger Learning Guide  

Parents are always encouraged to check the SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page to see weekly learning targets, resources and expectations in every course.  Parental partnership in helping teens stay organized and focused on learning priorities each week is always appreciated.  Our virtual Back to School Night, teacher videos have now been permanently linked to the Ledger Learning Guide Virtual Back to School Night 2020 for parent accessibility. 

Upcoming Dates

Wear Red Day - November 6th

On Friday, our entire System will recognize the sacrifice and work of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena by wearing red!  Growing up, Kiki, saw how drugs became part of life for too many of his friends and classmates. Kiki became a DEA agent and devoted his life to disrupting the flow of illicit drugs in our country.  Students and staff are wearing red to show their commitment to making safe and healthy choices. 


Students may wear jeans (no rips or tears) or their uniform pants with a red top.  If your child(ren) choose not to wear red, they must come to school in their uniform.

News and Information

IMPORTANT – Big Money Raffle Information

Parents and Guardians!


It’s that time of year again, for St. Mary’s Springs Academy’s “Big Money Raffle” (BMR). This cash raffle is one of only three major fundraisers for SMSA that involves EVERY family, Pre-K through 12th grade. Each family will be receiving 5 tickets in your youngest child’s backpack (P3-8) or in your home mailbox if your child(ren) are in grades 9-12.


Tickets may be returned to school with your child or to the North, South or Scrip offices. Returning tickets as soon as they are sold is very important this year. If you have any questions, or if you would like to purchase additional tickets, please contact Kristin Zitlow at Participation from every family truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

High School Counseling

News and Information

FAFSA Completion

Parents of seniors. Please remember to complete the FAFSA form. This is a requirement if your son or daughter is applying for scholarships. Many scholarships offered at this time of the year by colleges and universities are based on your student’s good grades and/or ACT scores if available. These scholarships are not based on financial need. There are workshops coming up on Wednesday, November 11th to help you complete the FAFSA form. Click here to visit the College Goal Wisconsin website.

Upcoming Dates

No news at this time.

Career Exploration

No news at this time.

Job Opportunities

No news at this time.

Scholarship Opportunities

Lands’ End Starboard Scholarship (Grades 8-12)

The Lands’ End School Starboard Scholarship acknowledges and rewards students who display exceptional leadership skills.  Each winning student will receive a $5,000 scholarship.  Applications are being accepted from now until Tuesday, December 15, 2020.


For a full list of details and eligibility requirements, please click here.

College/University SMSA visits

No updates at this time.

College/University Virtual Visits

No visits at this time.