Teacher Appreciation Week
An educational proverb proclaims, “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” During this Teacher Appreciation Week, we give thanks for our SMSA faculty! When asked to describe their teachers, our SMSA students recently shared the following words: generous; committed; enthusiastic; supportive; unselfish; smart; faithful. One freshman student shared, “All my teachers have told me that they care what happens to me and all of us. They want us to be good people, not just good students.”
I have been inspired and impressed all year with how our teaching staff and support staff regularly go the “extra mile” for their beloved Ledgers. I can attest how dedicated they are to serving the needs of students. While not perfect people, their efforts to affirm, believe and care for students are perfectly sincere. As virtual learning required our teachers to change plans, be flexible and become aggressive learners of new technologies, I observed amazing professional growth, energized collaboration and the optimistic spirit of our staff lead the changes! They have remained positive while pivoting to a whole new and disorienting existence as 100% remote and online educators. I appreciate and respect each member of our faculty! I have enjoyed serving with our teachers and have marveled at their creativity. Perhaps most impressive day to day is how SMSA teachers embrace being role models, and how they live their faith in plain sight but without fanfare. St. Paul’s letter to the Corintians exclaims,”Everytime I think of you, I thank God.” Join me in thanking God for our SMSA teachers!
End of School Updates
This week, SMSA President Stacey Akey shared a message with our parent community which included links to important high school updates pertinent to the end of school. Links to these important documents are provided below for your added access and convenience.
End of School Calendar – High School
Grading Adaptations – High School
Our Lady of the Ledge – Pray for Us
As COVID-19 continues to cause pain, suffering, hardship and disappointment across our state, nation and world, we call upon our patron and spiritual advocate, Mary, to protect our Springs community, help us to grow in faith and trust in God’s grace, and remain united together as a community of hope.
Mary, Mother of God,
Heal us, strengthen us, protect us,
that we may give strength and hope,
to the most vulnerable in our community, and world.