Master Schedule & Course Schedules for 2022-23:


I am pleased to announce that the 2022-23 SMSA Master Schedule has been approved and finalized! This is an important step in the master scheduling process – which began (internally) last December, and then continued with student-counselor meetings and submissions of completed course selection worksheets in February. Shortly, students will be receiving paper copies of their 2022-23 academic schedules!


Many thanks to parents and students for fulfilling their role and for meeting the deadlines in the course selection process earlier this semester. Hearty THANKS to Mr. Jacob Norlander, our Coordinator of System Scheduling and Records for managing this critical process so thoughtfully and efficiently!


The very next step in this deliberate process involves resolving schedule conflicts. The Counseling Office staff has begun meeting with students whose 2022-23 course choices may have resulted in conflicts within the new Master Schedule matrix. Just those students with clearly identified schedule conflicts shall be asked to engage with the counseling staff to resolve schedule conflicts during the next week.


IMPORTANT: This is not the time within the scheduling process for requesting “schedule changes” for 2022-23. Again, this is a thoughtful, deliberate process. Requesting schedule changes is reserved for dates in August and September with our Counseling Office. I invite you to click here 2022-23 CURRICULUM GUIDE (final).pdf to learn more. See section 1.3 Requesting a Schedule Change for more details.


If you like, please feel free to contact Mr. Norlander, Mrs. McCarthy or Mr. Stamatakos to receive a Schedule Change Request Form. That form may be filed electronically – and will remain in a queue until the schedule change period opens in late August. Expect more information and communication about that part of the process this summer.


End of Year Celebrations and Events on the Ledge involving the Class of 2022:


At this time of year, we are making preparations for the end of the school year, for the special events intended to celebrate our students , and especially the Class of 2022! This communication is designed to provide an overview and confirmation of key events involving seniors during the final months of school.


  • Sunday, May 22 from 2-4pm, Senior Superlatives/Banquet (Horace Mann High School Auditorium – North Fond du Lac). This is a special time for seniors and their parents, class moderators and administration, to enjoy time together. The Class Council leaders will reveal “Senior Superlatives” and unveil the senior video. A “parade of seniors” shall include formal presentation of cap & gown to each senior, recapping the senior awards presented at the Ledger Honors Convocation (May 19), and presentation of a special gift from Campus Ministry for all seniors.


  • Friday, June 3 from 1:00 to 2:30pm, Commencement Practice (Holy Family Church) REQUIRED. Seniors do not have classes/ school in the morning. June 3 shall be an exam day for underclassmen only. In the afternoon, seniors will attend this required rehearsal for Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement with class moderators and administration.


  • Sunday, June 5 beginning at 2:15pm, Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement (Holy Family Church) REQUIRED. Students are asked to arrive and check-in at Holy Family Church by 1:45pm to begin lining up in the church hall. There shall not be any restriction on guest attendance. After Mass, the Class of 2022 Commencement shall begin. Our valued partners at Radio Plus have also provided a Livestream link to this event!


We are grateful to God that these important and meaningful community events will be possible this year! Family and friends are encouraged to attend. Watch for more reminders in the week ahead.


Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us!


Eamonn O’Keeffe

Principal, High School

Upcoming Dates

June 2 – Last day of classes for all students.  Final Day for Seniors

June 3 – First Day of Semester II Exams. Senior Commencement Rehearsal at 1pm.

June 5 – Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement at Holy Family (2:15 public start time)

June 6,7,8 – Semester II Exam Days.  June 8 is the final day of the academic year for students.


Summer Hockey Contact Days - June 13th - 17th

St. Mary’s Springs Academy Summer Hockey Contact Days


When: Monday, June 13 – Friday, June 17, 2022

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Where: FdL Blue Line Hockey Rink


SSM Summer SPEED Program - June 13th - July 27th

The SPEED staff work to advance participants in their overall quickness, agility, speed, balance, coordination and cardiovascular fitness.


When: June 13 to July 27, 2022


  • 11th & 12th Grade Boys – Monday/Tuesday/Thursday – 7am-8am
  • 9th & 10th Grade Boys – Monday/Tuesday/Thursday – 8am – 9am
  • 9th – 12th Grade Girls – Tuesday/Thursday – 9am – 10:30 am
  • Co-Ed Middle School 5th-8th Grade – Tuesday/Thursday – 12pm – 1pm


  • $110 per athlete for the summer training program
  • Early Bird Special – $90 per athlete if payment received by June 3, 2022


Click Here for Informational Flyer

Click Here for Program Poster

Click Here to View Middle School Poster

Click Here to Register


Swing Fore Springs Golf & Summer Luau Volunteer Signup - July 29th

With less than a month left in the school year, it is time to start thinking about SUMMER!


SMSA’s annual Swing Fore Springs Golf outing is scheduled for Friday, July 29, 2022. There are a number of volunteer opportunities available, golf will be held again this year at South Hills Golf & Country Club, Whispering Springs Golf Club and the after golf Summer Luau will be held at South Hills Poolside.


Do not miss your chance to join in the fun, sign up to help with registration, Hole-in-one spotting, selling raffle chances and more by clicking here.


Invitations for this fun summer outing are on there way! Beat the rush, and register to golf, attend the Summer Luau, become a sponsor, or donate a raffle item by clicking here.


SMSA Uniform Exchange - August 3rd

Have your students outgrown their school uniforms? Are you looking to swap with other SMSA families? Well here is your chance!


SMSA is gearing up the the annual uniform exchange giving families the opportunity to exchange gently used uniform items that comply with the SMSA dress code. The greatest needs for the exchange at this time are uniform shirts and polos, skirts, jumpers and fleece. If you have uniforms that you would like to donate, they can be dropped off at the North or South Hall office during school hours.


Please help by making sure all uniforms are clean and free of holes, stains and torn seams. If you have any questions or would like to help sort, set up, or volunteer at the exchange, please contact Kelly Mueller at or 920-322-8012. Thank you!

News and Information


All Ledgers in grades 9-11 will be taking final exams in most classes beginning June 3 and concluding June 8. Only students who have received a formal exemption from exams may be excused from attending. Here is a link to the finals week schedule and expectations. Parents and guardians are asked to review this document with your students.


Click here to view document.


School Safety

As always, if you or your child become aware of a potentially dangerous situation that may threaten campus safety, we urge you to contact the Fond du Lac Police Department.  To report life threatening urgent matters, please dial 9-1-1.  To report concerns that may not be urgent, please call 920-322-3700.  You  may also call the high school main office at 920-322-8062


Speak Up, Speak Out

School Fact Sheet_final.pdf  Created by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety (OSS), the Speak Up, Speak Out Resource Center (SUSO) is a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn with important concerns currently offering: threat assessment consultation, critical incident response, and general school safety guidance. Please click the link above for the SUSO flyer or visit the SUSO website for additional information on these three services as well as resources on school safety best practices.


Ledger Learning Guide

SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page 2021-2022 School Year

Parents are invited to reference the Ledger Learning Guide each week.  Teachers are updating their course expectations  each week, identifying learning targets and referencing relevant standards.

High School Counseling

News and Information

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Make sure your student takes time to care for their mental health!


Strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety, and for balancing your mental health, are:

  • Talk with your family, a friend, a counselor, a doctor, or teacher
  • Be active, exercise, move your body
  • Spend time outside, get some sunshine and Vitamin D
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet
  • Get enough restful sleep
  • Take time for yourself each day
  • Build in routines, and start small


Here are additional resources:
Why don’t we treat mental illness like we do physical illness?
Teen Health
Well Badger Resource Center

Honor Roll Quarter 3 2021-2022

Click here to view the 3rd Quarter Honor Roll.

Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass

Check out — Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass! What does that mean for your student (ages 14- to 19-years old)?


It means our students can enjoy free summer gym membership at our local Planet Fitness club, be entered to win local and national scholarships, and enjoy a safe and convenient place where they can exercise and be active over summer break. Planet Fitness is supporting our students physically and mentally to encourage their health all summer long while we’re out of school. The Pass starts May 16th and goes until August 31st.


You can register online here.


Upcoming Dates

No news at this time


Career Exploration

No news at this time

Job Opportunities


Radio Plus, Inc. is hiring!

Radio Plus, Inc. is hiring! They are looking for a high school students that might be interested in tech + video + broadcasting. They are searching for someone to do play by play, video camera, and HS Sports coverage. Apply now and starting working over the summer and through the fall.


Reach out to Terry Davis if interested at
Visit the website for more information.

Summer Job at Camp Rokilio

View the attachment for more information!

Summer Babysitting Job

Looking to make some extra cash this summer? I have two boys that attend SMSA (ages 10 &12) and we are looking for a summer babysitter.  The hours and days can be flexible. Ideally we would like someone who has their drivers license to run them to activities. Please call/text Kelly 920-602-0037 if interested!


College/University SMSA visits

None at this time.

College/University Virtual Visits

None at this time.