Virtual Awards Ceremonies
On Tuesday, May 19, all high school families will receive a message which includes hyperlink access for two virtual student award ceremonies. A virtual Department Award event and a virtual Senior Awards event are being pre-recorded via Zoom, and will be hosted at a secure YouTube channel for families to access. Both virtual events are meant to be viewed and celebrated by the whole Springs community. Both events will reveal academic award recipients and the many scholastic achievements of our students in 2019-20. Our students have so much to be proud of, and both virtual award events will enable us to continue celebrating our 110 year tradition of academic excellence and student life on the Ledge. Watch for the message and links on Tuesday, which happens to be the originally scheduled date for Department Awards.
End of School Updates
Links to important high school updates pertinent to the end of school are provided here for your added access and convenience.
End of School Calendar – High School
Grading Adaptations – High School
Our Lady of the Ledge – Pray for Us
As an empathetic community, we continue to seek opportunities to give hope and support to others – especially those who are most vulnerable. We pray for all those in our community, state, nation and world who are suffering from illness, isolation, economic hardship, anxiety and loneliness. We call upon our patron and spiritual advocate, Mary, to protect the Springs community and to help us to grow in faith. May we trust in God’s grace, and remain united together as a community of hope for others.
Mary, Mother of God,
Heal us, strengthen us, protect us,
that we may give strength and hope,
to the most vulnerable in our community, and world.
Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us.