As May begins, we are just ONE MONTH from Commencement exercises for the SMSA Class of 2022. We are excited to prepare for the end of year special events intended to celebrate our Ledgers, and especially the Class of 2022! The following dates were originally shared with you in an email via Skyward Message Center on March 2, 2022 and also reshared in the high school section of the weekly eLedger (April 28). This message includes the most updated information.
- Saturday, May 14 from 6:30-8pm, Jazz Night (Avenue 795). This will be the final jazz performance of the year, and in the high school career for seniors. Family and friends are encouraged to attend.
- Wednesday, May 18 from 7-8:30pm, Spring Concert (Holy Family Church). This will be the final chance for senior students to share their musical gifts within our school community. Family and friends are welcome.
- Thursday, May 19 from 9-10:30am, Ledger Honors Convocation (Hutter Gym). The whole high school community will attend this annual event. The LHC is formatted as an integration of the annual Department Awards – honoring students from all grade levels, and the school and community based Heritage and Legacy Awards – primarily honoring the achievements of our seniors. Parents and friends are encouraged to join with the high school faculty, staff and students to celebrate Ledger honors. Families who are unable to attend in person are invited to join us virtually. Thanks to our partners at RadioPlus, a livestream link to the event is available. https://youtu.be/rvTUE6z6KF0. Mass day attire for students will be expected.
- Sunday, May 22 from 2-4pm, Senior Superlatives & Honors – formerly called ‘Senior Banquet’ – (Horace Mann High School Auditorium, North Fond du Lac). This is a special time for seniors, parents, class moderators and administration to enjoy time together. The agenda includes: a) Prayer; b) Sharing “Senior Superlatives;” c) The “Parade of Seniors” – which includes individual recognition of EACH graduate and formal presentation of caps & gowns to the Class of 2022; d) Viewing the senior video. Parents and guardians may wish to have kleenex and cameras at the ready! All seniors/graduates will also be receiving a special graduation gift from Campus Ministry. Student attire should also reflect the inherent dignity of this special event. Casual clothing is not appropriate.
- Friday, June 3 from 1:00 to 2:30pm, Commencement Rehearsal (Holy Family Church). June 3 is an exam day for underclassmen only. Seniors/ graduates do not have to be at school on that morning. In the afternoon, however, all seniors who qualify to graduate are required to attend an important rehearsal for Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement. Class moderators and administration will conduct the rehearsal and give the Class of 2022 their final instructions.
- Sunday, June 5 beginning at 2:15pm, Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement (Holy Family Church) There is plenty of space to accommodate graduates and their families at Holy Family Church, and all seating is first come. PLEASE NOTE: SMSA families may not arrive prior to 1:45pm due to the regularly scheduled 12:15 Sunday Mass at Holy Family. Graduates should arrive and check-in at Holy Family Church by 1:45pm to begin lining up in the church hall. There shall not be any restriction on guest attendance. At the conclusion of Mass there will be a brief transitional break before the Class of 2022 Commencement begins. Thanks to our partners at RadioPlus, a livestream link to the Commencement event is available – starting time approximately 3:30pm. https://youtu.be/Dbz40ewfcrg
- The Class of 2022 will process formally together into and out of both Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement.
- For Baccalaureate Mass, graduates shall wear their graduation gown, stoles, honor cords and medals issued by SMSA, but will not wear their cap and tassel.
- Even though graduates are wearing gowns, appropriate formal attire, fitting the dignity of the occasion, shall be worn under gowns for both male and female Ledgers.
- For Commencement, graduates shall wear their graduation gowns, stoles, honor cords and medals issued by SMSA, and their caps and tassels.
- Class homeroom teachers/moderators will be on hand to help graduates line up properly and feel comfortable in their graduation attire.
- Besides school issued stoles, honor cords or medals, graduation gowns may not be altered or personalized in any way and must remain free of decorations.
- It is preferred and recommended that caps and tassels also remain unaltered and decoration free. However, graduates may personalize their cap so long as it does not detract from the mission of SMSA or the sacred setting of the Church.
- Caps and tassels that are decorated in a manner which reflects negative images or messaging, or which may distract from the dignified nature of the ceremony, or which may contradict SMSA core values, shall be replaced with spare caps and tassels.
- After the Commencement ceremony in the church concludes, graduates will process with faculty to the courtyard outside of the church for a ceremonial ‘tossing of the caps’ by the class – a picture worthy opportunity for all families.
We are grateful to God that these important and meaningful community events are possible this year! Unfortunately, the past two graduating classes from the Ledge have been asked to endure altered end of the year experiences. We do not take for granted the blessing it is for our Springs community to move forward with these special opportunities to celebrate our graduates. The full cooperation of graduates and families with SMSA event planning and the spirit of the events is always appreciated and anticipated.
It has been my privilege to participate in the educational and developmental journey of the Class of 2022. It is a resilient group who have navigated interesting, even historic twists and turns in their high school experience. The faculty, staff and administration look forward to helping our senior Ledgers enjoy their final months of high school, and celebrate their many accomplishments! I look forward to all of these special events, and hope to connect with families as much as possible. As always, reach out to us if you have any questions or special needs.
Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us!
Eamonn O’Keeffe
Principal, High School