Lent on the Ledge: Opening to God in Prayer
Franciscan theologian, Ilia Delio, speaks on the love of God, which is at the heart of our desire to pray:
“To pray is to open up oneself to God who dwells within us. It means holding back nothing from God and sharing everything with God. . . . Only the grace of God can enable us to let go of our fears and allow God to be the God of our lives. True prayer is fundamental for life in God. It is that grace of conversion that opens up our hearts to realize the humble presence of God in our lives. Prayer of the heart is unceasing prayer, where God breathes in us and our hearts are turned toward God. This deepening of our lives in the divine life is the path to self-discovery. In and through prayer we discover our true selves, the self that God has created each of us to be. . . .”
In addition to reflecting on our opportunities for growth through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, this Lent on the Ledge, we will continue to open ourselves to God in prayer. We also continue to turn our prayers and attention toward those who suffer – in our community – and across the world. May God continue to help Ledgers grow in awareness of their own beauty and giftedness, as well as the needs of others. During Lent, may our students embrace ways of helping others who are more needy than themselves, while also opening to God’s closeness to them.
Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us!
Eamonn O’Keeffe Principal, High School