Return to the Ledge!
“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” —Revelations 21:3-5
Indeed, so many former things have passed away…and many things appear new as we begin the 2020-21 school year! Amidst the anxiety, suffering, uncertainty and change that has characterized 2020 in the era of COVID-19, we give thanks to God for the opportunity to restart school this fall! As the Good News reminds us – God is with us through it all, helping us to make all things new.
Many blessings, goodwill and hard work have enabled SMSA to return to the Ledge. We thank our benefactors, our Board of Directors, the preparation and dedication of our faculty and staff and the perseverance and patience of the whole SMSA Leadership Team. Fully engaged and united together, so many have partnered on behalf of our students to solve a variety of small and large problems. We have remained steadfast in our commitment to “return to the Ledge.” Parents and students have contributed ideas, feedback and encouragement all summer. All the kindness, prayers and support are truly appreciated.
Certainly the pandemic and its many effects have reminded us that we cannot take anything for granted. Indeed, in our first week back together, I have detected a new appreciation for one another. Despite imperfect conditions, and having to adapt our daily habits to new procedures, restrictions, safety protocols, and the new options to learn in-person, on-campus or online/virtually from home, everyone seems prepared to enter this new reality for learning with a spirit of collaboration, cooperation and attitude of gratitude.
With God in our midst, and the Holy Mother as our patron, we are bound for an abundance of blessings this year! We strive to be a “shining city” on the Ledge, that offers grace and hope to our community.
Ledger Learning Guide
The Virtual Learning Guide which served us so well in the Springtime virtual learning term has been permanently rebranded as the Ledger Learning Guide! Parents are encouraged to check the LLG to keep updated on course expectations and learning targets for their children. The LLG can be found on the Website under Parent & Family Resources. SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page
Many thanks to Mr. Kyle Sackett who has been the architect of this informative and helpful guide. Mr. Sackett was part of the original design team for the Spring VLG, and then dedicated extra hours this summer to redesign and improve the rebranded Ledger Learning Guide. He also has been assisting high school colleagues with their preparations regarding the LLG.
September 11 – Final Day for Semester I Schedule Change Requests
As we shared in January, the course selection process is key to building a master schedule for SMSA and to staffing and operational decisions. Because of potential disruption to other students and to personnel, schedule changes are discouraged unless deemed essential to a student’s academic wellbeing. Monday, August 17th began the final designated period of time for students to request schedule adjustments from the Counseling Office (Mr. Mahaffey). Please remember that beginning this year, like with many schools, any schedule change not initiated by SMSA will require payment of a nominal fee ($50). Not all schedule change requests will be approved, as they may not be possible or advisable due to a variety of factors.
Social Media Awareness – Parent Partnership
We encourage all parents to be vigilant in monitoring social media activity of their children. Specifically, we urge parents to:
- Please discuss social media habits with your teen.
- Please discuss your expectations with your teen. Teens should be clear that it is NEVER okay to participate in negative online dialogue, cyber bullying in any form or format, or any behaviors that tear at the reputation or character of another. It cannot be tolerated by any parent or member of our Springs community. It offends the Ledger Way core values and our Gospel mission as a Catholic community.
- Please report to us any issues that your teen may be having related to social media. As Assistant Principal, Dean of Student Affairs, Mr. Krueger leads our efforts to develop character and maintain a safe environment for students, whether learning in-person or online. Our Counseling Office, Student Success Suite staff, as well as all faculty, staff and administration can support students who may be victims of social media cyber bullying.
- Please partner to communicate constructively with other parents who may not be aware of their teens’ online habits. Parents need partners. It does take a village to help keep kids safe. We must be willing to share what we know – especially when poor choices are being made. All in the spirit of keeping teens out of harm’s way and being accountable for their choices.
For the complete letter to parent (including linked resources) regarding the recent Instagram matter, please go to Instagram Update – Aug 31, 2020.