Dear Parents and Students,
Exams are almost upon us! Before break, the faculty and staff reviewed the guidelines and
schedule from prior years and made some changes to make exam week a time in which
students can do their best work.
1. Exam week is Monday, Jan 15 – Thursday, Jan 18, 2018. Two exams will be given each day.
Exam times will be 8:00 – 9:30 for the first exam and 10:00 – 11:30 for the second exam.
The afternoon will be used for make-up exams and finishing extended-time exams in the
student success services room.
2. Students will take exams in uniform.
3. First semester exam exemptions are not permitted.
4. Students are not expected to be in the building if they are not taking an exam. If students
arrive early, they must remain in the cafeteria and are not permitted upstairs for any reason until 10 minutes prior to an exam. Between the first and second exam of the day, students should exit to the cafeteria and remain there until the second exam bell.
5. Students must remain in their exam classroom until the end of the scheduled exam time.
6. Students must take their exam on their scheduled day and at their scheduled time. If they
have an extenuating reason for changing their exam day or time, they must submit a
written request to the principal at least one week prior to the exam week.
• Auditions for The Sound of Music!
- When in January: Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th after school
- Sign up in the office for a time and take a scene to do with a partner!
- Prepare a section of your favorite show tune!
- Pick up an audition form and bring filled out to your audition!
- Interested tech crew members pick up forms and drop off in the folder in
the office.