Semester Exams:
Sometimes simple advice is the best advice. I find this true regarding studying for semester exams. Research suggests that students who rewrite class notes – with pen or pencil (not on a keyboard) – are generally able to better retain and recall important information for assessments.
Above all else, brain research is clear that teenagers require rest – and lots of it – if their still developing brains are to maximize its magnificent functions. Students are encouraged to study in short, focused bursts, in positive settings – taking care to be intentional about giving their brain a break – through a combination of both rest and moderate physical activity to help minimize anxiety and get their blood moving.
Parents can take care that students are well nourished with healthy balanced food choices – NOT junk food and fast food. Parents can also support students by helping to minimize distractions and obligations during the preparation for exams. Finally, making sure students get to bed at a reasonably early hour on exam nights – and all school nights will never be a bad decision.
The following guidelines have been shared with SMSA high school students to help prepare for Semester Exams:
1) Students are to be compliant with SMSA dress/uniform code between 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on exam/testing days.
2) Students who arrive tardy by more than 5 minutes to a scheduled exam may not be admitted to the exam room. Students arriving tardy shall be redirected to the Commons/ Cafeteria.
3) During exam/testing periods, students may not be found loitering in the hallways or at their lockers. Hallways must remain quiet and clear during exam testing times.
4) At no time may students have food or drink in the exam room or hallways.
5) High school students who are not taking exams and who are not under the supervision of a teacher or coach are expected to leave SMSA campus grounds by 11:45 a.m. on exam/testing days.
6) Students who are not taking exams but who are unable to depart campus are expected to report to the Commons/Cafeteria – which will be supervised between 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on exam/testing days.
7) Students who complete exams early may not be excused from the classroom early. There is ample time before, between and after exam periods for students to use the bathroom.
8) If a student misses a scheduled exam due to an excused absence, the student must contact the teacher immediately to arrange for a make-up exam. If the student absence is unexcused, the teacher is under no obligation to provide a make-up exam. If a student is unable to reach the teacher, he or she should contact an SMSA counselor.
9) All preK – 8 SMSA students have normal school day schedules on Tuesday through Friday (K-5 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; grade 6-8 from 7:50 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
10)Bus service for SMSA students will operate at the normal pick-up and drop-off times during the week of exams. However, there will NOT be added bus routes scheduled for mid-day pickup of high school students after exam periods end.
Please click here to view the exam schedule.
Skyward Blackout – January 13th – January 24th
As in the past, during semester exams, Skyward student grade book information will be turned off to students and parent access. The academic and administrative grade entry and verification processes will be prioritized during this time. So from Monday, January 13th at 5:00 p.m. until Friday, January 24th at 7:00 a.m. Skyward will be “dark” and inaccessible for students and parents. Semester grades will be posted and available for viewing by students and parents on January 24.