The Dark Side Of Cyberspace
On Wednesday, February 23rd, SMSA was pleased and fortunate to host “The Dark Side of Cyberspace: the Internet, SmartPhones and Social Media.” Mr. Eric Szatkowski presented to all high school students during the school day, and to a parent only session during the evening. The data, stories and information that was shared can certainly be overwhelming. Yet as a fearless, mission driven learning community that is dedicated to the healthy development of young people, it is so important that parents, educators and students develop a common language and mutual grasp of issues that not only challenge the safety of our young, but also cause damage to positive human growth and development. As a recognized expert and dynamic speaker with a mission to keep children safe online, Eric Szatkowski opened our eyes to the most current data and information. We are grateful to all parents who were able to participate, and hope that you will be inspired to spread the word to inform others. Together, we must continue to share information while helping to make our extended learning community a more caring, humane and safer place for our children.
If you have any feedback to offer, concerns to share, or questions around this important topic, please contact:
- Mrs. Cauley, K-4 Counselor:
- Mrs. Dengel, MS Counselor:
- Mrs. McCarthy, HS Counselor:
You Are Invited To Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Wednesday, March 2nd is Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. Parents, grandparents and friends are all welcome to join SMSA students and faculty for 9:00 a.m. Ash Wednesday Mass at Holy Family Church. Catholic schools are bountifully blessed to live according to the Church’s liturgical calendar, celebrating feasts and Holy Days as a natural part of our school culture. Please join us if you are able to attend.
Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us!
Eamonn O’Keeffe
Principal, High School