High School Honor Roll Quarter 2
Please click here to view the Honor Roll for Quarter 2.
High School Honor Roll Semester 1
Please click here to view the Honor Roll for Semester 1.
High School Honor Roll Quarter 2
Please click here to view the Honor Roll for Quarter 2.
High School Honor Roll Semester 1
Please click here to view the Honor Roll for Semester 1.
This year’s Sadie Hawkins Dance, “Winter Wonderland,” sponsored by the Sophomore Class (2022) will be held Saturday, February 22 from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. in the Baker Gymnasium. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door. Tickets will go on sale during the lunch hours in the cafeteria or before and after school in room 3037 starting Tuesday, February 18th – Friday, February 21st.
If you are bringing a guest who is not a student at SMSA, be sure to fill out your paperwork and turn into the office by Friday, February 21st.
On Monday, February 24, 2020 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., there will be an informational meeting for all students (and their parents) who are interested in or have signed-up for any of the following classes: dual credit College English-Expository Writing, dual credit College English-Introduction to Literary Genres, CAPP Calculus, or CAPP Statistics. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the classes you have chosen for next year and get answers to some of the questions you might have.
This meeting is not mandatory but highly recommended. A representative from UW-Oshkosh will be here to discuss the CAPP offerings available through them. Mrs. Sales will be there, as well, to talk about the dual credit college English courses.
MPTC “College Planning Day” – April 1st
Moraine Park Technical College will be hosting their “College Planning Day” for high school juniors on April 1, 2020 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the FDL campus.
Visit up to four programs in your chosen career cluster, take a campus tour, interact with current students and learn the admissions process. Pre-registration is required and is open from February 15th – March 25th. Click here to register today.
More information is in the Counseling Office.
Women’s Leadership Academy – June 22nd – June 25th
Mount Mary University will be hosting a Women’s Leadership Academy June 22 – June 25, 2020. The cost is $150, with financial need scholarships available. Students will participate in sessions on Building Your Personal Brand, Importance of Sisterhood, Confidence, Financial Aid 10, among others.
Stop in the Counseling Office for more information.
Click here for more information on this summer Leadership Academy.
Michels Corporation Career Exploration Day – May 13th
On Wednesday, May 13, 2020 Michels Corporation will be hosting their 6th Annual Career Exploration Day for students interested in learning more about careers in the skilled trades industry such as welding, mechanics, heavy equipment operation, power line installation and more! Michels will provide a bus to pick up students and deliver them back to SMSA between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. Lunch is provided.
Please contact the Counseling Office if interested in this unique opportunity!
Wisconsin American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy – June 22nd – 26th
The Wisconsin American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy is being offered June 22 – 26, 2020 at the WI State Patrol Academy. This would be a good experience if you’re considering being a law enforcement officer.
Part of the experience is PT (physical training). To prepare ahead of time, you should be doing some running, push-ups and sit ups. Pick up an application in the Counseling Office.
If you have any questions, please contact the program coordinator, Sheri Hicks, at Sheri@wilegion.org.
Please stop in the Counseling Office for more information.
Rosenow Elementary School Scholarship
Rosenow Elementary is offering two $500 scholarships to graduating seniors who attended Rosenow Elementary School at least one year and plan to continue their education at a college or technical school.
Van Dyne Lion and Lioness Club Scholarships
The Van Dyne Lion and Lioness Clubs are offering four $1,000 scholarships for students living in the Van Dyne Fire Department District in the Town of Friendship, or students living in the Van Dyne Fire Department District in the Town of Black Wolf and plan to attend college full time.
Please stop in the Counseling Office for upcoming dates.
Miami University (in Oxford, OH) Summer Scholars Program
Miami University in Oxford, OH will be offering their Summer Scholars Program for academically talented rising high school juniors and seniors to spend two weeks on Miami’s campus exploring a topic of their choice.
More information available in the Counseling Office.