From the Office of Eamonn O'Keeffe: High School Principal

To Be Soulful Educators

Sacred Scripture often uses the word soul to express the totality of a human person. According to Catholic faith tradition ‘soul’ is described as the innermost aspect of what it means to be human, that dimension about a human life which is most especially in God’s image. Soul signifies the spiritual principle of the human person and intimate relationship to God.


“…then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7


In this story from Genesis we see human beings created by God. From this passage we see that humanity is all at once a physical and spiritual experience. To be human is to be seen and unseen; body and soul; earthly matter and breath of Heaven. We humans are paradoxical, gritty, complex, multi-dimensional beings – bodies with obvious physical characteristics animated and sustained by God’s willful yet invisible spirit. By God’s amazing grace – or energy if you prefer – we have come into existence.


Especially as Catholic school educators who are each called to be a lively mission driven presence within our school community, it is a good time to pause and remember that – like all people – the students we serve are creations of God with both visible and invisible truths. Just like with the elusive Kingdom of God, our complex humanity is both an “already” and “not yet” adventure. We are always in the act of becoming…growing in awareness of our true nature and God’s ever intimate proximity.


To help one another and our students grasp what is real but unseen, we must strive to be soulful educators. Soulful educators understand that there is more to the human condition than meets the eye, more to the children in our classrooms than our five senses can affirm. For soulful educators this is more than opinion, pedagogy or wishful thinking. It is the development of a “sixth sense” awareness within one’s teaching practice. Soulful educators embrace the promise and mystery of both the observable and unseen truth found in their students. Soulful educators invite the unseen hand of God to help them shape and support the holistic development of children. Soulful educators are persons of expansion and inclusion, joyfully offering a courageous “yes” to serve the needs of others – most especially the lost souls sometimes found within our schools. To be soulful is to feel and affirm a vibrational reverence for all human life as divinely created, connected and sustained. It is to affirm our shared human heritage, dignity and destiny as God’s beloved children.


This year in a special way, may we who serve young people on the Ledge commit to being soulful educators, deeply aware of the glorious “both/and ” of our mysterious lives which have been created and sustained by the very breath of God. Let us personally commit to helping each student and one another to recognize this truth…especially as revealed and affirmed through God’s Word and the many personal gifts God bestows. Let us joyfully and soulfully help young people to unpack the Gospel and share their heavenly gifts.


Blessings for a deeply soulful and successful academic year!


Eamonn O’Keeffe: High School Principal


1) Mt 16:25-26; Jn 15:13; Acts 2:41
2) The Catechism of the Catholic Church, #363
3) David Tracy Blessed Rage for Order: The New Pluralism in Theology
4) Richard Rohr, OFM Dancing Standing Still

News & Information

Financial Aid Q&A Night

Mr. Stamatakos will be hosting a virtual Financial Aid Q&A Night on Wednesday, September 21st from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.


Mr. Stamatakos will be joined by Susan Teerink, the Director of Student Financial Aid at Marquette University. Both Mr. Stamatakos and Mrs. Teerink will hold an open “Q&A” session for parents who have questions about applying for financial aid for college and how specific financial circumstances may affect their eligibility for federal and state financial aid.


Parents are invited to watch Mrs. Teerink’s overview of financial aid before planning to attend the program. NOTE: this program is only recommended for parents who have questions about financial aid after viewing the presentation.


Registration for the program isn’t required, and Mr. Stamatakos will share a link to the virtual meeting room as the date of the program gets closer.


Please contact Mr. Stamatakos with any questions about Financial Aid Q&A Night!


PPA Meeting Dates

PPA meeting Dates for the 2022-2023 year:


  • September 21
  • October 18 (note the revised date)
  • November 16
  • December 21
  • January 18
  • February 15
  • March 22
  • April 19
  • May 16 (note the revised date)


All meetings will be held at 6 pm in the Lauby Lounge (first floor teacher lounge).


Contact Maggie Rose with any questions about the PPA!


County K Speed Limit

With the newly paved and widened County K, between 151 and Winnebago Drive, please be cognizant of the 35 mile per hour speed limit.  The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office has received concerns regarding excessive speed in the hour before and after school.


The Sheriff’s Office will be placing a radar trailer on that portion of County K to monitor speed.  Please have a conversation with your student drivers on the importance of following the posted speed limits on all roadways, and being aware of people walking.


Safeguarding God's Children (SEE) training

SMSA will be hosting SEE training on Wednesday, September 28th at 6:00pm in the Multi-Purpose room. This training is needed for all volunteers, coaches and employees of SMSA.


Please sign up for this training online through CGM Connect


If you have any questions please contact Carrie Wiza  at or 920-322-3215


School Safety

As always, if you or your child become aware of a potentially dangerous situation that may threaten campus safety, we urge you to contact the Fond du Lac Police Department. 


To report life threatening urgent matters, please dial 9-1-1.  To report concerns that may not be urgent, please call 920-322-3700.  You may also call the high school main office at 920-322-8062




Speak Up/Speak Out (SUSO)

Created by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety (OSS), the Speak Up, Speak Out Resource Center (SUSO) is a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn with important concerns currently offering: threat assessment consultation, critical incident response, and general school safety guidance.


Visit the SUSO website for additional information on these three services as well as resources on school safety best practices.

High School Counseling

Schedule Changes for the 2022-2023 School Year

Schedule change request forms for the 2022-2023 school year are now available in the North Hall Office. Students who would like to make a change to their course schedules for the upcoming school year should complete a form and turn it in to either Mrs. Amerling or Mrs. Pickart. Schedule change requests are being processed in the order they are received; please be patient as it will take the counseling staff some time to process them.


11th or 12th grade students or parents with schedule-related questions should contact Mr. Stamatakos. 9th or 10th grade students or parents with schedule-related questions should contact Mrs. McCarthy.


The deadline to add and/or drop a class for Semester 1 is Friday, September 2nd.


ACT Retake for Seniors

SMSA will offer current seniors an opportunity to take the ACT during the school day at SMSA on Tuesday, October 18th. This will be a full-length test without writing that seniors will be able to send to colleges if they choose to do so.


Please let Mr. Stamatakos know if you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity!

Job Opportunities

No news at this time


College/University SMSA visits

Upcoming Dates
  • September 2 – ALL SYSTEM MASS, 9am at Holy Family Church
  • September 2 – Add/Drop Deadline. After this date students may not request schedule changes. On this date, all student schedules for Semester I are finalized.
  • September 5 – LABOR DAY Holiday – NO SCHOOL/ Offices are Closed
  • September 14 – High School Back to School Night 6:30-8pm. Parents and guardians meet teachers and attend special information sessions. More details in the next eLedger.


Ledger Learning Guide

The Ledger Learning Guide for the 2022-2023 School Year is now available online!