Happy Easter!
Lent 2021 has ended. Today we enter the Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. During this sacred time between the liturgical season of Lent and Easter, Christians commemorate the final days of Jesus, including the Last Supper, the agony in the garden and arrest. We journey with Jesus through these trials and try to imagine the torture and humiliation our Lord’s Way of the Cross and crucifixion.
As believers, we live with faith that our resurrected Lord continues to accompany each of us daily, through all of the joys, opportunities and challenges that are part of life. During a time that has tested the resolve and faith of many, this central tenet of our faith gives us the most hope of all! In Catholic education, we are blessed to see the good Lord’s miracles on a regular basis. Acts of empathy and kindness will always allow our students to encounter the risen Jesus. We thank God for the gift of resurrection and for the promise of mercy and new life.
May God’s grace deepen our faith and move us closer to one another in the Springs community. Thank you for choosing to be a part of this life giving learning community. On behalf of all my colleagues at SMSA, Happy Easter!
April 19: ACT and Aspire Testing Day
On Tuesday, April 19, students in grade 9-11 shall arrive at school no later than 8am. Please note this change from the usual start time. On April 19, seniors have no classes and will not be in attendance on the Ledge. Seniors are free to engage with college visits and other post-secondary planning.
An alternative schedule will facilitate the ACT and Aspire Testing Day for all freshman, sophomores and juniors. All testing will occur in our high school classrooms, proctored by SMSA faculty. Students will be released once testing concludes – so please arrange for students to be picked-up at 12:45 pm for juniors and 1:45 pm for freshman and sophomores. Lunch will not be available for students in grades 9-11.
Juniors will take the ACT while both freshmen and sophomores will take the Aspire test. These standardized tests of the College Board help students, parents and educators to measure academic growth and progress. Results also help SMSA educators inform curriculum and instructional planning.
Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us!
Eamonn O’Keeffe
Principal, High School